• +91 (4147) 251015
  • st_josephclunytmv@yahoo.co.in


                 The province of South India came into being on 11th November 1995, on the feastday of St. Martin of Tours. It was carried out of the Province of South East India (Pondicherry) Education has an important place in the activities of the sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny. Anne Marie, our foundress envisaged an education for all without any boundaries, especially for the poor based on the Gospel.

              Her light is not put out in the night …….she lives, because we her daughters from every race and nation still follow Christ, sent by the father, in simplicity and availability, open to the signs of the times, fanning the flame of the Charism of Anne Marie through our education ministry.

           May the Almighty the source of all joy and happiness be praised and thanked for His everloving protection and presence in our school. May He send forth His blessings on all of us. May He lead the school to a brighter future.


      Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey urged by the desire to seek, find and accomplish the Will of God, founded the congregation of the Sisters of  St. Joseph of Cluny in France.    In fulfilling the Will of God, she went beyond the boundaries of France of Africa and Mana (South America). At Mana she was the pioneer for the liberation of African Slaves(apartheid). Her Sisters, scattered over the five continents, imbued with the same zeal, carry on her mission in the social, medical and educational fields.

           In 1826, the first three Cluny Sisters came to Pondicherry. They were followed three years later by Mother Rosaline Javouhey, Anne Marie’s younger sister. In accordance with the Spirit of the Foundress, they launched out into social, medical and educational fields.